Project Scope

Designed the MVP, created brand identity, established a design system, and enhanced user experience

My Role

Led product design and strategy, collaborating closely with stakeholders to define and implement the brand identity and user flows

The Challenge

Luis approached me to design a user-friendly platform for managing invoices between business owners and accountants, addressing inefficiencies in traditional processes.




Brand Identity

Started with hand-drawn sketches to capture the ‘messenger pigeon’ concept, iterating with the founder to refine the design. Finalized with a brand guidelines book.

My process usually starts with a series of quickly hand drawn sketches so we can get the general rough concepts down. This was done working very closely with Luis to ensure we encompass his vision.

Logo Concepts

The favorite concepts are refined a little bit more, trying to close on the general size, while also testing for responsiveness and identifying fonts that work correctly.


We defined and polished the final version, which also included modifying the logotype by adding a subtle to flow well with the Bird symbol.

We conclude this process with the creation of the brand guidelines book.

View Brand Guidelines

App Design

Designed responsive layouts, ensuring smooth onboarding and efficient user flows for business owners, accountants, and providers.

We have discussed the different flows for each type of users, the business owner, It’s accountant and the Provider connection. The plan was fairly straight forward:

  1. Allow automatic connection and electronic invoice gathering
  2. Use OCR to automate the paper tickets.

The app is designed responsive, took a mobile first approach, ensuring that the layouts and major flows worked perfectly on mobile as well as larger sizes. We designed specific onboarding to ease the transition, flows for different types of personas and have taken care of specific edge cases.

Design System

Developed an atomic design system with reusable components, accelerating development and maintaining consistency

The design system was built organically as we identified more needs we expanded the systems, components thus allowing to create a pretty consistent and reusable system



Sucesfully created the MVP designs and integrated prototypes to be performed in user tests.
I have also setup a Zeplin account to ensure easy delivery to the dev team. Have also created a playbook for the founder for product design strategy.


Team members




Saved Work hours


Providers Connected

Check it out

The app is live and the company is becoming a bustling startup

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